Northern Bushcraft

Golden Chanterelle

  • fruiting body is funnel-shaped, up to 15 cm broad, depressed in the center, smooth, dry, uniform egg-yolk yellow.
  • underside has forking ridges (rib-like folds) rather than gills; they descend onto the stem.
  • flesh is firm, yellowish, does does not change color when bruised.
  • stem is solid, orange tinted, tapering slightly to the base.
  • grows alone or in groups on the ground, but is not clustered at base of trees, and never grows from wood.
  • appears in the summer and fall.
  • has a pleasant, mild taste and mild, fruity odor; cook before eating.
  • warning: do not confuse with inedible or poisonous look-alikes, such as the False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), which differ in that they have blade-like gills rather than forking, ridge-like folds.
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