Shaggy Parasol

  • cap has shaggy, brownish scales
  • flesh turns orange/red when cut
  • stem is hollow and has a double ring
  • spore deposit is white
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Look-alikes in Washington

The poisonous Chlorophyllum molybdites is similar in appearance but is rare to absent in Washington. It differs in that the gills are greenish when mature and the spore deposit is greenish. The edible Chlorophyllum brunneum differs in that the cap has brownish scales on a white background rather than on a brownish background and the stem exhibits a simple ring rather than a double-edged ring. The edible Chlorophyllum rhacodes differs in that the cap has brownish scales on a white background rather than a brownish background.

See also Coprinus comatus.

Related topics: Edible Plants of PNW - Edible Berries of PNW - Edible Seashore of PNW
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