Pacific Golden Chanterelle

  • resembles a yellow funnel
  • underside has ridges, not gills
  • ridges are forking & run onto stem
  • spore deposit is pale yellow
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Look-alikes in California

A number of gilled mushrooms can appear similar, including those that have acquired a funnel-ish shape from becoming upturned and exposing their gills in age. Such mushrooms differ by having "true" (i.e., blade-like) gills rather than forking, vein-like ridges. The poisonous Omphalotus olivascens differs in that it has true gills and grows in clusters where the stems are fused. The poisonous Paxillus involutus differs in that it has a brownish cap, has true gills, and has a brown spore deposit. The not-recommended Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca differs in that it has true gills and a white spore deposit. The probably edible Chroogomphus tomentosus differs in that it has true gills and the spore deposit is smoky-black. The edible Cantharellus cascadensis differs in that the cap is often brighter yellow, the gills are white, and the stem is less tapered.

See also Cantharellus californicus.

Related topics: Edible Plants of PNW - Edible Berries of PNW - Edible Seashore of PNW
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